Sunday, May 26

It's been busy here

Finally it has decided to be Spring here.  Days have been warm and up in the 60's and nights are staying in the 40's.  Everything is turning green and all the nasty white stuff is gone!! And of course that means the mosquitoes and other buggies are starting their yearly pursuit of dinner....meaning that all of us are now on the buffet table.  Man I need to call my Avon Lady soon and get that order in for Skin So Soft before it's all gone. Wendy has been out front cleaning up the planters.  She has the Mole Momma and her babies, the frogs and the Swans all in their places now.  Mike is in charge of the yards so he has had the kids out there picking up twigs while he mows.  In a few days I am sure Wendy will get the garden boxes ready for the tomatoes and the cukes and the zucchini and all the other stuff she has growing on the porch.  Looks like a busy growing and canning/freezing season is just about upon us. 

This week our little Mikey lost his first  tooth.  He is so proud and is going around showing everyone his missing tooth spot.  Of course the Tooth Fairy showed up and took his tooth and left money in it's place.  Awesome deal.  I wonder if she will bring me anything when I go get this tooth pulled and my new bottom dentures made. Bet she's in another country when that happens.
Here's his toothless little mouth for all of you to see too!!

Last night it was getting to be bedtime and everyone was starting to get settled in for the night when we heard a thump and then a pop and then everything went dark!!  It seems that some dumb ass with his tractor out in the middle of the night crashed into the power pole.  Took out the whole neighborhood.  Wendy went out to see how bad it was and when she went to turn around in this man's driveway a few hundred yards up the road from us she almost ran over power lines that were down in his drive.  Mallory totally freaked out!!  She was really scared.  She screamed and cried every time her parents left my room.  The boys thought it was great fun.  Mike went out and got the generator from the shop and set it up.  When he ran the cords in the house I was able to hook up my plug strip. And of course being a computer nerd, I set up the laptop and they all came in my room and we watched Nemo.  Finally around midnight and with two little ones asleep they all went upstairs and off to bed.  The power came on at about 2 so I got my oxygen plugged back onto the condenser.  But the tanks were still on the floor next to me.  Good thing too because the power went off again around 5.  I just plugged into the tank and went back to sleep.  By the time I got up this morning the power was back on and I was back on the condenser.  And the kids had been in here and snagged one of the netbooks to go upstairs and play computer on.  But the good thing was that gave Mom and Dad a chance to sleep in til 9.  Wow.

I am doing OK health wise right now.  In fact I should be good til August or September now as far a colds and illnesses.  Dialysis has been going OK these past few weeks.  I am having trouble with the fistula and have had to get needle poked three or four times before they finally get them in a place that doesn't blow out or infiltrate.  My arm has been really painful for that reason.  My doctor is finally back from maternity leave so I will get in to see her in the next couple of weeks for meds check and just a general checkup.  God I'm glad she's back.  It is so hard to try and explain to another doctor what is wrong when she knows....a lot of the time she knows just by looking at me.  I guess when I an gray and quiet she gets all the hint she needs.  Most of the time that isn't me.

OK time to get this posted for you.  Mike is making Gyros for dinner so I have to go weight in on the pronunciation gyro or yuro.   Makes no difference to me how you say it cause I say his are awesome!!!

Love to you all.  Remember those who gave their all so you could sit around tomorrow with a shrimp on the barbie and a beer in your hand. 


Thursday, May 2

It's 4AM.........

Do you know where your Mother is???  Wendy's Mother is in her room watching TV and working on the computer.  I say working because most of the time she.....Ok  ME....most of the time I am playing a game.  I have 3 or 4 I play on a regular basis.

My Mother is no doubt up in her kitchen in Hood River Oregon having a cup of coffee and reading the paper.  Not real sure but I know for many years that's what she was doing.

My daughter Wendy, Mother to Mallory, Michael, Tyler and Jeffrey is fast asleep in her warm little bed.  I know this because I can hear her when she gets up if I am awake.  The kids are all doing fine.  The boys are really busy with school and Scouts.  Both of them are Scouts this year.  Wendy is still a den leader and works hard giving them all kinds of cool things to do to earn their belt loops.

My daughter Laura, Mother to Eli, Nadeyah and Myrandah is hopefully fast asleep also.  Her oldest is home right now after getting into some trouble but my guess is she will be gone in a day or two.  In June she will be 18 but Laura will, no doubt, have many more sleepless nights ahead of her.

I have been feeling pretty good these past few weeks other than being tired and having really sore muscles. Dialysis is ok.  At least it is doing it's job.  I have no cough thank god and am breathing ok for now.  I have a problem with really dry skin.  Wendy got me a new to the market product called Gold Bond Diabetics' dry skin relief.  If you have dry skin you should give this stuff a try....diabetic or not.  It has a strange feel to it when you put it on but within a minute or two it's soaked in and doing it's job and you can't feel it.  I hate lotions and creams that feel heavy and greasy. 

The weather here has been anything good.  It was snowing last week then over the weekend it got up in the 70's and we saw Mr Sol.  Then last night we are back to snow.  Spring is still trying to get here but she is having a hell of a hard time.  We may just skip into summer the way things are going.  I have a couple of photos for you to check out.  It's May for crying out loud and we have a foot of snow.