Thursday, May 14


Went to the kidney doctor today. He is happy with my blood work. Kidney function is good, hemoglobin is up so no shot, and all the rest within normal range. Good. I feel pretty good too. The PT gal gave me a workout on Wednesday so I am worn out today. LOL!! The price you pay for getting better.

The Lakers are playing now. They look tired and lack any spark. Looks like the series will go 7. At least they will be back home in LA for the last game. Hopefully they will win. But they need to rest up. They will be playing the Nuggets and they are hot right now.

Mikey is sick right now. He has a temp and the poor little guy is hot as a furnace. Wen is giving him some Tylenol and putting him to bed. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow. It's so hard when they are little like he is. Tyler seems OK now but he had a very bad ear infection last week.

OK well I am going to get back to watching the game since half time is almost over. More later. Stay safe and be happy!

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