Monday, December 9

It's Very Cold Here

Where to start.....Tyler had his Bone Marrow Transplant and he is doing great.  I am so impressed with the little guy.  He is trying really hard to get better fast.  His body is responding well and he may get out of the hospital next week or so.  We all have our fingers crossed.  They will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House that is right by the hospital.  He has to stay there until at least 100 days after transplantation.  So we still have a long way to go.  Mike and Wendy are tried and of course they are worried but things are going well.  Mikey and Mallory are also there in the hospital every day while Mike is at work.  Someone has to be with Tyler at all times.  They switch off nights where one is a RMH and the other one is at the hospital with Tyler.  It gets tiring but they are holding up pretty well.

There was a benefit Bake Sale yesterday for Tyler.  Everyone in the community came together to either donate stuff or buy stuff or both.,  It was wonderful.  I am so touched by the outpouring of concern and caring we have in this little town we live in.  It's awesome!!!  Thank you to everyone who helped us.

The weather here has been reallllllytyyy cold.  We have snow too and I hear we expect more in the next few days.  It's 930PM here right now and the temp is -8.  It's supposed to go down to -15 tonight.  You people who live in California have no idea how cold it is.  LOL  I laugh at you and remember back to when I first moved here and thought that 20 was COLD.  I guess you get use to hanging if you hang long enough ya know.  

I am doing great actually.  I have been healthy (for me) and haven't gotten sick since last winter. As much as Dialysis is a pain in the ass to go to it sure is making my quality of life much better. Jeffrey moved back in to help take care of me and to take care of the house and the animals.  He and I are doing great.  I have been able to do a little cooking and so has he so we are eating.  He does the dishes and takes out the trash,  He feeds the animals and his big job is taking care of the wood and the stove so we keep warm.  It's a big job for him but he is taking it on and not complaining too much.  LOL  Jeffery is Jeffrey but we are getting along just fine.

I have been crocheting up a storm.  I have made lapghans for the family and myself and I made some things like hats and so on for friends.  It has been so much fun to sit and create instead of just taking up space.  I am still on the computer a lot too but not like I was.  I am going to make as much as I can to offer at the Benefit they are having for Tyler  We will be having all kinds of things to offer and the proceeds will go toward helping the kids pay the major medical expenses they are getting for this Million Dollar Kid we have.  LOL  And seriously the medical expenses will be around a million if you can even believe that.  How outrageous is that?  Anyway there are people in our community who are putting this thing together .  I will keep you all posted on what we will be doing.

As always you can follow Tyler's progress on Caring Bridge and on his Face Book page. 

Tyler would love to hear from you too so if you get a minute send him and Mikey and Mallory a card or a note to PO 245 Amery WI 54001

Love to you all.