Friday, October 4

Another Day....

It's hard to believe but it looks like summer is pretty much over here. Right this minute I am looking out the window. There is a huge bank of dark gray clouds on the horizon.  It has been raining off and on for the last few days and it is getting cooler.  We are supposed to get up in the high 70's by the end of the week end.  We will see about that.  Looks like we need to get the last BBQ of the year in real soon.

Tyler will be going in for a bone marrow transplant in mid November.  His platelet count is almost non existent at this point. Even the smallest bruise can be very harmful because he has no clotting factors in his blood.  The Fanconi Anemia is causing his marrow to not make the platelets he needs.  New marrow will allow his body to make the cells he needs.  The whole process is very long and involved.  He will be in the hospital for a month or more and it will take several more months of being near the hospital before he can come home.  They will be staying at the Ronald McDonald house until he can come home.  He will be out of school for a year so he will have to be home schooled. Just getting everything coordinated is a major task.  We have to get someone to be here to help care for me and take care off the winter chores of the wood stove to keep the house warm. They will all be gone from home the entire time except for trips back and forth to get me and do all the other things that need doing...getting mail, paying bills, getting food in the house for us and the dogs and so on.  I'll keep you posted on progress or if you want you can go to Tyler's Facebook page. Click here for his Facebook Page or here for his Caringbridge Page. Wendy posts things on both sites and Tyler loves to read all your comments and good wishes.  Also some wonderful friends of ours are putting a benefit together for us. Please go to the FaceBook page set up for the benefit.  You can help in so many ways.  And any help you can give is greatly appreciated.  And many thanks to those who have already helped in so many ways.  Lastly on the Tyler front.........we need all the prayers you can manage.  Please say a prayer for him.

I have been crocheting these days.  So far I have made hats for all the kids and a few extras to give to the hospital for those who may need one.  I have made a couple of afghans......well actually more like lap blankets or Lappies as I call them.  And I am in the process of making baby lappies for my friends twin granddaughters.  Keeps me busy and off the streets..  And in the end someone gets a nice hand made item.  Be nice to me and you might get one too.  LOL

Ok enough for now.  Wendy was in here accusing me of writing a book so I'll finish for now and let you get on with your day.